One slot banks have been around for....centuries. But the world has changed. Now we have a highly sophisticated financial system, a system whose complexity has outstripped the ability of most adults, many of whom grapple with credit card debt, even bankruptcy.

Personal finance education needs to start young. How? With a bank designed for the 21st century. This soccer ball bank has multiple chambers to help kids save for multiple goals. There is one chamber for each of the four money management choices a child should be taught from the time they are small. They are SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, and INVEST.

Why does it work?

  • It gives a child a sense of control which leads to a sense of security.
    When you give children the Money Savvy Soccer Ball, you give them control over the money in their lives. In a respectful way, the Money Savvy Soccer Ball asks children what they think is the best choice and allows them to make it. A sense of control leads to a sense of security.
  • It's interactive.
    In today's world, kids expect things to be interactive. Like the Japanese saying goes, Tell me and I'll forget...Show me and I'll remember...Involve me and I'll be changed forever. The Money Savvy Soccer Ball involves the child, but on their terms and in a language that they understand. This involvement will give them good money management habits that will last a lifetime.
  • It encourages parental participation.
    The goal setting stickers give parents the opportunity to discuss choices, their implications, and values appropriate for each child.

Just as new drivers are given lessons to learn how to control a car, your child should have a Money Savvy Soccer Ball to teach them how to control money, one of the most powerful forces in life.