This award-winning book shows students how to skillfully avoid making common mistakes and how to build good financial habits that will last a lifetime and save them thousands of dollars in the long run. This book makes it clear that getting the most of college depends on having a financial game plan and, accordingly, it shows students how to do just that.
Authors: Susan P. Beacham and Michael L. Beacham
"Millennials are being trained to consume information in the amount of time it takes to heat food in a microwave – quickly. O.M.G. Official Money Guide for College Students is an engaging way to communicate important financial information that hopefully will lead to a lot of longer conversations. I know talking about money can cause mental paralysis. But this book takes major money topics and downsizes them into digestible pieces of information.”
- Michele Singletary
1. What's This Going To Cost?
2. How Do I Keep My Expenses Under Control?
3. What If I Need To Make Money?
4. Will Student Loans Hang Over My Head Forever?
5. What Do I Need To Know About Debt?
6. What's The Best Way To Pay For That?
7. How Does A Credit Card Really Work?
8. How Do I Choose The Right Bank?
9. How Can I Give Back?
10. Resources
52 Pages
Ages 17-22
Copyright Money Savvy Generation, Inc.
Free budget template for college students: download here!
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