Level C is recommended for either 2nd or 3rd grade classrooms.

Hours of Instruction: 6 (eight 45-minute lessons)

The lessons are fully-scripted so teachers need not create lesson plans. Students love working with the Money Savvy Pig piggy bank and, of course, receiving one of their very own to use in the classroom and ultimately take home. They relate to the hands-on-activities, two per lesson that simulate real life experiences and will enjoy singing along to the catchy "History of Money" song.

Level C Alignment to Common Core Math Standards

Level C Alignment to Common Core English Language Arts Standards

Total teaching time required: 6 hrs. Pre-requisite: None.



1: The History of Money
2: Where Does Money Come From?
3: Kids Can Earn Money Too
4: Saving Money
5: Spending Money
6: Donating Money
7: Investing Money
8: Family Money Press Conference

(click to see a preview of the Teacher Handbook)

Click here to download the parent/guardian letter

Click here to download the parent/guardian permission slip

Click here to download the bank visit request letter

Click here to download the song lyrics for songs included in the lesson materials

Click here to download the recommended reading list by lesson.

Student Bundle
  • Money Savvy Pig Piggy Bank
  • 21 page Student Workbook

(click to see a preview of the Student Workbook)

Note: The Licensing Agreement for the Money Savvy Kids curriculum requires the purchase one set of instructor materials per classroom and one Student Workbook per pupil. Instructor materials may be reused from year to year.