Resources for Educators
Let us be your financial education secret weapon.
We started our work in the classroom and we know how much of an impact you can have on your students’ lives. Money Savvy Kids and Money Savvy U are curricula designed to help you empower your students with the critical knowledge they’ll need to thrive in the world and teach them lessons that will last a lifetime. Everything is planned and scripted for you, with videos and activities to help you assess how well each student has understood the financial concepts.
Learn more about our curriculum solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have age-appropriate materials that align to/with State standards?
Our cross-curriculum program is especially designed for children in grades PK-5. There are six levels of curriculum. The curriculum aligns with Common Core State Standards, National Jump$tart Standards for teaching basic personal finance in grades PK-5 and NCTM Math Standards. Use this checklist to see how Money Savvy Kids meets all the right evaluation criteria.
What about hands-on activities and interactive materials?
Each lesson comes with hands-on activities simulating real life experiences. At the heart of the curriculum is the Money Savvy Pig piggy bank, a unique hands-on, interactive teaching tool that won a Parents' Choice Gold Award, NAPPA Gold Award and Creative Child Award. For Grades PreK, K and 1 the materials feature the Money Savvy Pig Puppet.
Does the Money Savvy curriculum work?
You bet!! The curriculum is research based. Student assessments gathered to date for Level C have been compiled by third party academicians over the last 10 years. The results have been published in academic journals The Social Studies (“The Money Savvy Pig Goes to The Big City". See our press release) and most recently in Journal of Economics Teaching (“The Money Savvy Kids Curriculum: Changing Hearts and Minds”) In addition, please check out research to view our growing body of studies that support the effectiveness of our program under a variety of educational environments (urban/suburban/rural, advantaged/disadvantaged, etc.).
Does the curriculum include anything for families?
Our curriculum actively involves the student’s family as much as possible. There are “show what I know" take-homes (included with the teacher's materials) at some levels and in Level C, the parents/guardians are invited during Lesson 8 to the "Family Money Press Conference". This event ignites the money dialogue between parent/guardian and child. This, in combination, with the Money Savvy Pig piggy bank, which the child takes home, helps classroom lessons to "stick".
Do you offer curriculum for older kids?
Yes. For young teens (12-16), we have developed Money Savvy U, an eight lesson follow-on course that builds on the same SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, and INVEST principles established in the Money Savvy Kids curriculum. When you teach this course, each student receives their own Cash Cache Beginning Personal Finance Organizer. We also offer several classroom games.
Will I need to create my own lesson plans?
No, our instructional materials include lesson plans, presentation images, student workbooks, and manipulatives.