About Us

We help you get smart about money.

At Money Savvy Generation, we are focused on the goal of helping kids get smart about money so they can not only survive but, more importantly, so that they thrive. We have taken the time and made the effort in the development phase of our products to optimize them. Optimization is not just about making sure something "works" right, but also making sure our products touch kids emotionally and change their behavior.

We teach money management basics to very young children - starting as young as age four. We find our audience in Pre-K and elementary school aged children, a segment of our educational system virtually without financial education because of the perceived complexity of the subject matter. Our goal is to get out in front of money management behavior before bad habits set in.




of banks sold since 2002



studies showing our
curriculum's impact



awards recognizing our
work over the years



Chris, Grandparent.

I chose this gift for my 6-year old grandson and he was fascinated with the idea of the different areas in which to save money for yourself, to help others, have some spending money, and to invest. He's quite young to grasp all this but he has a head start on learning about it with the Money Savvy Pig.  Best of all his parents had just been talking about teaching money concepts to their kids. This gift is a winner.

Liz G.

My kids are thrilled with the Money Savvy Pig and the Cash Cache! When I gave my kids their Money Savvy Pig and Cash Cache they both went into their rooms and were quietly gathering their money together and were very excited about this. My son who is six is using the Money Savvy Pig and has put all of his allowance money into "save" and said that he will not spend any of it. He wants to save for a Hummer limo (just what every teenager needs) when he turns 16 so he can drive all of his friends around. My daughter, who is 16, loves the Cash Cache and has put money into all of the compartments but most of it into "spend," unfortunately taking after me. So I guess I have a few things to teach them but this is good! Now I just need to remember to give them their allowance money.

Parent of a 1st grade student

My son has learned about lots of things at school. But what he learned in the Money Savvy Kids program is by far some of the most relevant because it will enable him, as an adult, to stand on his own feet financially.

Victoria M.

This is one of the best ever ideas to help parents teach their children the importance of saving, investing and contributing to charities and causes of THEIR choice but still treat themselves to a little spending. Great self esteem builder and nest egg builder.

Second grade teacher from Washington

I would like to share a moving story with you. We went through the lesson about charity last week and it had a huge impact on several of my students. This morning I opened the classroom door and an excited student greeted me with a bag of coins and bills and told me he and his sister had worked all weekend to earn money for the food bank. I was a little taken aback. I asked him what food bank he was referring to, and he said it was for the food bank my sister directs. He has never met her, and the food bank is not even in our area. He just took to heart the importance of giving to charity, and he knew my sister directed a food bank. I talked to his mom and I found out that he and his sister (who is also in my class) worked all weekend walking dogs and selling lemonade and cookies! The Money Savvy Kids lessons are powerful!

Molly J.

I just have to let you know that we are really enjoying the MSK@Home program. Our girls look forward to our Sunday night "family class". It's even more fun to hear the vocabulary being used often and in context. This is a fabulous way to open discussions and raise awareness about money and how we use it. Those little "Aha" moments that they experience in our daily lives as consumers are amazing. With gratitude,

Lauren M.

I am purchasing my third bank for our youngest who just turned three! This has been a great learning tool for my older two girls and I am very thankful this bank has all four categories into one which makes it easier to teach them about saving, investing, donating and spend! I don't want my kids to go through financial challenges like most Americans are doing today. Hopefully by teaching them now about money this will help avoid tough financial times later in life.


Our founders

Susan Beacham

Founder, CEO

During her nearly two decade career in private banking and investment management, Susan saw major gaps in her clients’ knowledge of finances and decided to take action - not long after, Money Savvy Generation was born. Over the years, she’s worn many hats at the company, including: speaker, author, entrepreneur, and (her favorite) educator.

Read a letter from Susan ⭢

Michael Beacham

Founder, President

Michael is the COO for Money Savvy Generation. Previously, Michael advised senior financial clients on business strategies and operations, leading dozens of complex strategic consulting projects that resulted in multi-million dollar benefits for each client.

Take a walk down memory lane


Susan Beacham with her two daughters, Allison and Amanda.



Money Savvy Generation is founded by Susan and Michael Beacham. Susan starts teaching kids about money close to home - in her eldest daughter’s first grade classroom.


  The Money Savvy Pig debuts

And the award goes to …  the Money Savvy Pig!

2002 Parents' Choice
Foundation Gold Award

2008 NAPPA
Gold Award

2008 Creative Child



Our first Money Savvy Kids curriculum for 2nd and 3rd graders is released.


The first study on our curriculum’s effectiveness is published.

“Overall, these data indicate that the Money Savvy Kid™ program is effective in positively affecting students’ attitudes and knowledge about spending, saving and investing money.”

- Dr. Eric A. Hagedorn, Hagedon Evaluative Services



Our curriculum wins the first ever Financial Literacy Curriculum of the Year Award from the Institute for Financial Literacy


Our first four books for kids are published


The Savings Spree game is released on the App Store




Our first books geared towards teenagers and young adults are released


Divvy Pig


Money Savvy Kids Online



2023 and beyond

We’re always working on developing new ways to teach you and your family essential money skills and we can’t wait to share some exciting news with you!

Our affiliations

National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy

Board Member (Retired)

Illinois Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy

Founding Board Member (Retired)

South Carolina Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy


Our distributors


Exclusive European Distribution for Money Savvy Generation Products

Money Savvy Kids Australia

Exclusive Distribution For Money Savvy Generation Products in Australia and New Zealand

I-O Wealth Advisers

Exclusive Distribution for Money Savvy Generation Products in Japan