The award-winning personal finance organizer for teens!

Designed to help teens establish and work towards life goals that will require funding at some point, it demystifies the world of banking, investing and credit. Best of all it empowers the user with an appreciation for delayed gratification. Helps keep finances and financial documents organized. No high school student should be without one.

Available in crystal clear polypropylene.

Click here to download and print extra copies of the seven templates used in the Cash Cache Beginning Personal Finance Organizer.


  • A 36-page handbook covering the basics of personal finance, including:
    - Spending, Saving, Donating, Investing, Credit
    - The stock market
    - Goal Setting
    - Budgeting
    - Checking and Savings Accounts
    - Credit Cards
    - Earning Money and Paying Taxes
    - Glossary of Financial Terms
  • 4 Sturdy color coded pouches to organize cash for saving, spending, donating and investing
  • Handy pockets to keep coupons, bank statements and other financial documents
  • Templates for goal-setting, establishing priorities, budgeting, and tracking progress towards goals
  • Binder is made of durable, clear polypropylene
  • Fits easily on a bookshelf or anywhere you want to stash your cash and financial documents

Parent Testimonials

"I have a 15 year old son who has always been challenging (to say the least) in the area of his personal finances. I accidentally ran across your web page and was intrigued enough to buy the Cash Cache. Well, I am certainly impressed! After I bribed my son into reading your material, he now seems to be a convert. He is finally setting organized goals and handling his money responsibly!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is a fantastic idea. If I'd been exposed to such products, especially the Cash Cache, as a youth I have no doubt I'd have been spared some painful lessons as a young adult. "

"I ordered 3 Cash Caches for my own children and they have been such a wonderful tool that I am ordering 5 more as gifts. I confess I considered making a homemade version but the 'cool' factor of the Cash Cache has really caught the kids' attention. It's well made, well thought out and adaptable. My 9 yr old just puts a note in the pocket to remind him what he's saving for, while my 14 yr old has her stock statement filed with her investment goals. I highly recommend it as a fun way for kids to begin learning life-long financial lessons. "

"I think the cash cache is a great gift for any 10+ year old that gets an allowance."