We help families learn about personal finance from childhood to adulthood.
Meet the piggy bank for the 21st century.
The Money Savvy Pig is the original four-chambered piggy bank that has been teaching kids essential financial literacy lessons for over 20 years.
What We Do
Money Savvy Generation helps you get smart about money.
We empower families, using simple methods to teach kids about money.
We prevent bad money habits before they begin by starting young.
We’re backed by research and always evolving to meet your needs.
We’re on a mission to create a money savvy society.
It all started with a question
How can we help kids get smart about money so they can not only survive, but thrive?
We’ve grown up alongside our first class
As our students have grown, we’ve developed materials to teach every age the money skills they need.
Our dream is coming true
Today, that class of first graders is all grown up and using our products to teach the next generation of kids about money.
We’re leading the way in teaching financial literacy.
We have more published studies demonstrating our curriculum’s effectiveness than all other competitors combined.
We have more personal finance content for elementary school children than anyone else.
Our personal finance products for children have won numerous awards from educators, the press and trusted third party organizations that rate children's products.
We sell more multi-chambered savings banks than anyone else in the world.
The latest blog posts from our CEO, Susan Beacham
Don't Be Shy – It's Okay to Talk About Money
The conventional wisdom is that in polite company one should never talk about money, politics or religion. I disagree with at least one-third of that advice...
Allowance Is The Gateway to Budgeting – Podcast
Allowance is one of those golden opportunities you can start at any age. And by being consistent with allowance, your child can practice budgeting. It’s just that simple.
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